Inside this week’s bioDIGESTer we feature another a great video by the Office of Sustainability’s Jared Flesher detailing the journey from food scraps to compost, along with our weekly statistics from Fall Break!
Weekly Data: 10/29 – 11/2 (Fall Break week)
With reduced hours and many students off-campus during Fall Break, Frist Campus Center was not as busy as usual. As a result, last week’s load of food scraps was about 500 lbs. less than in previous weeks. However we added an additional off-loading session to compensate for prior weeks so that our ratio of food scraps to compost is closer to the ideal 1:1 ratio*
Food | Wood shavings (BA/CS) | % BA/CS |
Compost Off-loaded | |
Week Totals (lbs.) | 3,232 | 953 | 29% | 4,500 |
CUMULATIVE (lbs.) | 17,510 | 5,062 | 29% | 9,500 |
*Note that the cumulative food : compost ratio won’t be exactly 1:1 because of the need to fill the system close to the vessel capacity before off-loading begins. In our case, we added nearly 7,000 lbs. of food scraps before our first off-loading of compost.