Dear readers,
Can you guess how many pizza boxes are collapsed in the below?

The last few weeks in September flew by, and while the S.C.R.AP. Lab is not yet at full operations, we are ramping up gradually, especially as we begin this year with a new crop of student assistants (bios coming soon!) and equipment.
Read more about the equipment, our successful resumption of collecting compostable materials from the annual Facilities Appreciation Picnic, and yes, the answer to the pizza box question, below:
Loading Lift Arm
We sought a new Toter lifter after realizing that our existing lifter proved to be undersized and unable to handle the excess strain from heavier and more liquid-filled Toters of wasted food.
After a year plus of research and confirming the correct specs as we designed the new facility, we settled on the Solus Group Dumpmaster, which offers a more efficient, safer, and adaptable design.

Stairwell & Platform
We sought an easier way to observe and access the loading hopper for addressing shredder jams and dumping smaller bins. This stair system was a perfect cost-effective option.

Similar to the last event in 2019, we used bin monitors to help Facilities staff properly sort materials. With reusable cups and sporks offered, nearly all of the materials from the event were compostable. In total, we collected and diverted 133 lbs. of material from the landfill which included molded fiber plates, food scraps, and napkins (collected in the bags below), as well as a few trays of uneaten food. Coincidently this total was within a few pounds of the same amount collected in 2019. But with more people attending in 2022 vs 2019, this means that each person wasted less food!

739 lbs
The total amount of material composted at the S.C.R.A.P. Lab in September (includes coffee grounds, food scraps, pizza boxes, and serviceware)

Did anyone guess 41?
Stay tuned for updates on the following:
- New Team Members
- Pumpkin Composting
- Frist/Cafes collection start date