Welcome back! We hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween.
Spooky season here at the S.C.R.A.P. Lab started off with servicing pumpkin carving events. We offered our small bins for the collection of pumpkin seeds and “guts” as the pumpkins were being carved.
We are not at the point where we can track down all of those pumpkins for composting on campus, but if you would like to compost your pumpkin at home, you can read: How to Smash & Compost your Jack-O-Lanterns

Later in the month, Gina attended the New Jersey Composting Council’s Organics Waste Management Summit. It is a wonderful annual event where composters, state and municipal officials, and more, gather to learn and network from each other. This year, some topics included: permitting barriers to composting operations; considerations for compostable product usage, PFAS management; and compost microbiology.
Speaking of PFAS, Peter Jaffé’s work on PFAS remediation was recently highlighted by the University in the below video:
852 lbs.
The total amount of material composted at the S.C.R.A.P. Lab in October
On Nov. 1st, the S.C.R.A.P. Lab started to receive and process the recovered, uneaten food from the Frist Campus Center and Campus Cafes. We thank our contractor, Organic Diversion, for filling in during the time that SCRAPPY has been offline.
Our monthly totals will now be much higher going forward. Meet the new student team who helps make all of the magic happen.
Until next time!