One month of restarted full-scale operations is in the books!
6,620 lbs. of uneaten, recovered food was composted in the month of November and we had our first compost off-load session this week as the vessel reached its operational capacity:
Compost building up in the screener during off-load mode
Water vapor as compost emerges from inside of the vessel, representing the temperature difference between the vessel (where it is 100s of degrees F) to the facility (under 60 degrees F)
Compost loaded into the trailer where it will be sent to our soil recycling yard and stockpiled until it is used for landscaping projects on campus. We will continue to off-load compost regularly, two times per week, as long as we continue to load material.
Food scraps and compostables recovery at the Orange & Black Ball
Staff training
Introduction to Sabrina Fields, our new Grad Compost Coordinator, who will be assisting with food scraps recovery efforts in departments across campus